Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Today, i will talk about the environment. It’s common to see on television or on social networks, news about how the environment is deteriorating more and more. Especially in any places of Chile such as Santiago that is home to many people, have many cars, companies that pollute, etc.
Although this topic is too known, there are very few people who do something to change the situation. Most people aren’t careful with the environment. I think that this is a cultural topic. Because Chile isn’t an ecological culture, this may be due to lack of information on where and how to recycle. There are some environmental organizations but very few, and although installed containers for recycling in the city, they aren’t used properly.

Personally, I haven’t contributed to the care of the environment. To transport me to college, I always use the bus (because it is far to walk, and I haven’t bike), but when I go to another place, I always try to do it walking.
I have never joined an eco-organization because I don’t know any, nor have I sought to inform me about them.
I don’t do much to care for the environment. But I try to reduce carbon footprint not using aerosols that damage the ozone layer, turning off and unplugging appliances that I’m not using, not throwing garbage anywhere, saving water, etc.

I think that to increase environmental awareness, should be more information about how to recycle, education about the correct use of containers (to recycle), and finally, is necessary the motivation of society to recycle.


  1. I don`t think that this is a cultural topic... for me the problem is the education. I also think that is very necessary more information, education and investment!

  2. I agree with Jacinta, the problem is the education but, personally I think that today this topic is more important than the past and this is a good sign. Take care :)

  3. I think you are right, and should be more information of environment


  4. Hi

    I agree whit you in the point of education about the correct use of containers to recycle.

    Bye (:

  5. Hi Feña! I think the problem is the education about environment and recycling!

  6. I also think that to increase environmental awareness, should be more information about how to recycle and more access at places.
