Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Hello Bloggers!

Today I’m going to talk about Facebook. Personally, I visit Facebook every day, but I don’t be dependent of this website. Generally, I visit facebook to talk with my friends, find out what has happened to them, see pictures, know about news, etc. I do it when I haven't else to do or when i'm bored, i don't visit facebook always that use the computer.

I think facebook has many advantages such as allowing you to communicate with people around all the world easy and freely, you can inform about what is happening with your friends,also would be used to organize events or groups homeworks for school or university, talk with old friends whom you have moved away, share pictures, etc. In summary, facilitates communication and transmission of information effectively. 

However, it also has disadvantages, such as lack of privacy when people share everything that happens in their lifes, especially when they share information such as addresses, or the numbers of their phones, etc. this can  be used to scam or rob those people. Also, some people don't know all the "friends" they have on facebook, and we all know that talking to strangers and especially the web, can be dangerous xD

However, I think that if people are careful with the information they share, facebook is harmless. Personally, i like to see the post of my friends and comment when something strikes me as funny, I like to share pictures about some moments with family or friends. I do it because I find it fun and it's good to keep contact with people that i don't see daily.

bye :)

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