Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hello Classmates

Today, I’m going to write about “Johanna Blakley: Social media and the end of gender” video. In this conference, she talks about stereotypes in the social media. Different TV programs, movies, publishing, radio, games, magazines, etc. it direct to specific group of society: young, girls, boys, kids, and other. So, content of this social media is in order to this group of people, forgiving specific interests of each different person. And what is worst… forgiving some persons such as the oldest population, actually exist very few TV programs or another social media, direct to oldest generations.

Social media use to psychographic and demographic to know group of people that use this media. With this, they study what is music that prefers the young (in general)? What movies men prefer to watch? What games kids prefer to play? Etc.
But there is a way to get out of these demographic limitations. For example: social networks, with them you can know and connect with another people in relation to specific interest  such as musical prefers, specific topics that you are interested, etc. Age, genre, culture, and different stereotypes are not important in social networks.
Johanna think that is more important know to people in relation to things that they consider funny, and is important apply it in social media, because social media influences a lot in the people life.

I think that groups used to by social media are typecast in stereotypes too trivial…such as age, culture, genre, nationality, etc. Media companies believe that people are such as group in which they are typecast, but it is totally simplest, people shouldn’t reduce to typecast! “Women” or “young”, not all people think or feel identical… although having similar characteristics. Each person is different and special in their essence.


1 comment:

  1. Hi! I agree with you, the social media companies use very simplistic categories
