Friday, July 5, 2013

I like learn

Hi Bloggers!
Today, I will talk about the things that I would like learn, this is difficult but are many things.
In general, I’m a person that like learn about many things, especially about art, I like visit arts galleries, see plays in the theater, visit museums, etc.  Like as my grandmother was saying: “I’m hungry to learn”.
In my life, I have taken part in many courses; cheerleaders, theater, scouts, art, Folk dance, etc. But all of this I left it half. This is my problem; I want learn all, but never finish it. Because I haven’t time, I’m interest in other activity, etc. I can’t concentrate in one thing.
The last activity that I practice was or is Arabian dance. Now I can’t practice Arabian dance all time because this academy is in Coquimbo, so I practice Arabian dance in the summer vacations.
One thing that I really would like learn is Tango
J I like so much Tango because is a dance that have many passion, elegance and discipline. But I think is very difficult.

In this moment I’m not learning anything in specific. I’m learning about books, reading books of literature, practicing English (listening), nothing in special. This is my lazy time. I’m slept. But, when I return to Santiago city, I would take class about some technique to relax; Yoga, reiki, etc. or to be a part in some cultural activity, to learn by different people and as they think.


  1. Hi

    I'd like learn about art too, but I think that the dance it's not for me... maybe something most quiet like literature or painting.
    I always was admired the persons that do many things because I´m very quiet and is very difficult for me begin some activity.
    Good luck in your learning dance! =)

  2. i hope that you will have time to learn all the things that interest you! Good luck

  3. I also practiced Arab dance is very entertaining, even I have the "caderin" haha. In university there is a workshop, maybe you could register there to practice for the year.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh! Also I was cheerleader during my adolescence <3
