Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Hello bloggers

Today, I will write about my experience during English subject in university. I don’t like so much the English, but I have always wanted to learn it because I think that it is very necessary. In university I started with English level 2 and it was quite easy, because most of things I had learned in school. However, the English level 3 it was a bit difficult for me because some activities as oral presentations were difficult.

Until then I only interested in going to english class because I wanted to pass all levels and finish  with English fastly. however, this year, I have a real interest to learn English, cause I'm boring of having to study and read papers in English and don't understand. I think that now I appreciate the English class much more than before, especially I think that using the blog in english class is very useful. The exercise of writing every week is useful to improve grammar and to learn more vocabulary in an entertaining way.

Despite approve English levels, I don't yet feel ready to be in a place where they speak English and communicate me with they without problems . I think there are several aspects that need to improve in my English: vocabulary, pronunciation, and above all that more difficult  is listening. To improve this, I hope taking a crash english course outside the university, this it would help me to reinforce learning. I really think it's important for me to learn English very well, because outside this class, especially this last year, I had to read many articles in English for my career, which becomes very difficult for me.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Hi bloggers!

This year has been very good to me in every way; in the university, with my family, my friend, my boyfriend, but the most important is that this year has been a good year to me...

2014 has been a different year for me, because since I moved for study to Santiago, everything has been too difficult for me… to be away from my family, enter in new world (university), live alone and take care about everything in my apartment, and stopped to do thing that I really loved, such as going to Arabic dance classes in Arabic dance academy in Coquimbo city, going to church group, etc. I really feel so alone and sad all these years, I wanted to return to my home in Coquimbo!

But this year, I decided change my attitude, because I can’t continue so sad. So, I thought of looking for hobbies that I would like to do, and keep me busy in Santiago. So I start to go to dance and after, yoga classes, and I think that this was the most decision, because in this moment I feel that I do what I expected. Now, I feel very good with me, quieter, happier, and I feel that my life is in totally harmony.

Obviously, I still miss my life in Coquimbo city; this will never change… but right now, I think that I get a big achievement at 2014 is that i feel very good with my actually life and this is enough for me.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hello Classmates

Today, I’m going to write about “Johanna Blakley: Social media and the end of gender” video. In this conference, she talks about stereotypes in the social media. Different TV programs, movies, publishing, radio, games, magazines, etc. it direct to specific group of society: young, girls, boys, kids, and other. So, content of this social media is in order to this group of people, forgiving specific interests of each different person. And what is worst… forgiving some persons such as the oldest population, actually exist very few TV programs or another social media, direct to oldest generations.

Social media use to psychographic and demographic to know group of people that use this media. With this, they study what is music that prefers the young (in general)? What movies men prefer to watch? What games kids prefer to play? Etc.
But there is a way to get out of these demographic limitations. For example: social networks, with them you can know and connect with another people in relation to specific interest  such as musical prefers, specific topics that you are interested, etc. Age, genre, culture, and different stereotypes are not important in social networks.
Johanna think that is more important know to people in relation to things that they consider funny, and is important apply it in social media, because social media influences a lot in the people life.

I think that groups used to by social media are typecast in stereotypes too trivial…such as age, culture, genre, nationality, etc. Media companies believe that people are such as group in which they are typecast, but it is totally simplest, people shouldn’t reduce to typecast! “Women” or “young”, not all people think or feel identical… although having similar characteristics. Each person is different and special in their essence.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Hello Bloggers!

Today I’m going to talk about Facebook. Personally, I visit Facebook every day, but I don’t be dependent of this website. Generally, I visit facebook to talk with my friends, find out what has happened to them, see pictures, know about news, etc. I do it when I haven't else to do or when i'm bored, i don't visit facebook always that use the computer.

I think facebook has many advantages such as allowing you to communicate with people around all the world easy and freely, you can inform about what is happening with your friends,also would be used to organize events or groups homeworks for school or university, talk with old friends whom you have moved away, share pictures, etc. In summary, facilitates communication and transmission of information effectively. 

However, it also has disadvantages, such as lack of privacy when people share everything that happens in their lifes, especially when they share information such as addresses, or the numbers of their phones, etc. this can  be used to scam or rob those people. Also, some people don't know all the "friends" they have on facebook, and we all know that talking to strangers and especially the web, can be dangerous xD

However, I think that if people are careful with the information they share, facebook is harmless. Personally, i like to see the post of my friends and comment when something strikes me as funny, I like to share pictures about some moments with family or friends. I do it because I find it fun and it's good to keep contact with people that i don't see daily.

bye :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Today, i will talk about the environment. It’s common to see on television or on social networks, news about how the environment is deteriorating more and more. Especially in any places of Chile such as Santiago that is home to many people, have many cars, companies that pollute, etc.
Although this topic is too known, there are very few people who do something to change the situation. Most people aren’t careful with the environment. I think that this is a cultural topic. Because Chile isn’t an ecological culture, this may be due to lack of information on where and how to recycle. There are some environmental organizations but very few, and although installed containers for recycling in the city, they aren’t used properly.

Personally, I haven’t contributed to the care of the environment. To transport me to college, I always use the bus (because it is far to walk, and I haven’t bike), but when I go to another place, I always try to do it walking.
I have never joined an eco-organization because I don’t know any, nor have I sought to inform me about them.
I don’t do much to care for the environment. But I try to reduce carbon footprint not using aerosols that damage the ozone layer, turning off and unplugging appliances that I’m not using, not throwing garbage anywhere, saving water, etc.

I think that to increase environmental awareness, should be more information about how to recycle, education about the correct use of containers (to recycle), and finally, is necessary the motivation of society to recycle.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Hello class

Today I am going talking about my future job. When I thought studying psychology, I imagined the typical clinical psychologist and his patients. But now, I not imagine working on it. The truth is that I will like to work helping people who have been victims of violent crimes, this also has to do with the repair to people (like clinical psychology) but within the legal field. I really think here psychology transformed into something much more meaningful and important, because in a field where usually, the focus is placed on the criminals, is important to take care and help victims.

If I think about my future job as psychologist, I imagine working in a support center for these victims.
Physically, I do not will like to work in an office, but rather outdoors, where people feel in a calmer and freer context, that is not feeling repressed as in an office.
Moreover, I would like to travel a lot to taught this area of psychology in other cities, as it is not applied a lot at other locations outside of Santiago (in the case of Chile), this would mean know this field of psychology  in another’s places of Chile,  and many more psychologists could devote to it.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Hello classmates!

This time I am going talking about my favorite writer; he is Pablo Neruda. Well, really I don`t have only one favorite writer, because I have always enjoyed reading all kind of books, and I like many writers. But I chose talk about Pablo Neruda because I have cute memories with his poems.

What I most like about Pablo Neruda is his form to writing and express love with the words. He is a romantic poet and he uses many metaphors to talk about love. I think that he is a genius and the best Chilean poet!

My favorite book by Neruda is a “Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada”. I remember that when I was a child, my mom was reading many poems by Pablo Neruda, and I liked so much, especially one in particular; the “Poema veinte”.  This is a very romantic and nostalgic poem that talks about a love… a love that ends, and a broken despair heart. When I read, recite or heard it, I feel very sad.
Really l loved this poem! I remember when I was a child and recited “poema veinte” before bed, almost every day. Even now, this is my favorite poem.

Goodbye J