Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Hello class

Today I am going talking about my future job. When I thought studying psychology, I imagined the typical clinical psychologist and his patients. But now, I not imagine working on it. The truth is that I will like to work helping people who have been victims of violent crimes, this also has to do with the repair to people (like clinical psychology) but within the legal field. I really think here psychology transformed into something much more meaningful and important, because in a field where usually, the focus is placed on the criminals, is important to take care and help victims.

If I think about my future job as psychologist, I imagine working in a support center for these victims.
Physically, I do not will like to work in an office, but rather outdoors, where people feel in a calmer and freer context, that is not feeling repressed as in an office.
Moreover, I would like to travel a lot to taught this area of psychology in other cities, as it is not applied a lot at other locations outside of Santiago (in the case of Chile), this would mean know this field of psychology  in another’s places of Chile,  and many more psychologists could devote to it.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Hello classmates!

This time I am going talking about my favorite writer; he is Pablo Neruda. Well, really I don`t have only one favorite writer, because I have always enjoyed reading all kind of books, and I like many writers. But I chose talk about Pablo Neruda because I have cute memories with his poems.

What I most like about Pablo Neruda is his form to writing and express love with the words. He is a romantic poet and he uses many metaphors to talk about love. I think that he is a genius and the best Chilean poet!

My favorite book by Neruda is a “Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada”. I remember that when I was a child, my mom was reading many poems by Pablo Neruda, and I liked so much, especially one in particular; the “Poema veinte”.  This is a very romantic and nostalgic poem that talks about a love… a love that ends, and a broken despair heart. When I read, recite or heard it, I feel very sad.
Really l loved this poem! I remember when I was a child and recited “poema veinte” before bed, almost every day. Even now, this is my favorite poem.

Goodbye J