Wednesday, August 27, 2014

 Hi Classmates

Today, I will write about the best concert I have ever attended. That concert was at the Festival of Viña del Mar in February 2013. That time, I saw many artists such as Mana, Chino y Nacho  and a very boring comedian, but i don`t remeber her name.
I went to the  festival of Viña del Mar because my boyfriend invited me to see the show of Mana. Mana is a band that makes romantic and energetic music. Mana has fans of all ages, in many countries.
The atmosphere i could see during the concert was a romantic atmosphere, there were many couples, including, many people singing the songs, also, the band reminded the old songs, and the people really enjoy it.
My experience in this event was very good. I had never been to the  Festival of Viña del Mar, but I had always wanted to go, also, it was very cute to go with my boyfriend and see the show from an artist that we both liked. We enjoyed it so much an we set back another time.

Bye J

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hi Class!

In this opportunity i wish that you see this video about sexual abuse in childrens As you can see in this video, the sexual abuse in childrens is too frequent in Chile and in all the world, and in generally, the rapist is part of the family or is someone very close o child.

In this situation the childrens  are feeling  so vulnerable, because they are confusing, they don`t understand the situación. The usually is that the family take care of a child, the family shouldn’t  hurt his son, nephew, grandchild, etc.

I think that this topic is very important for the psychology, in especially, legal psychology. The legal psychology have many areas, one of this be in charge of help to victim of sexual abuses or mighty crime. These experiences mark the life of the people that has been a victim. The idea is support and is help the victims to get over of the abuse situation and they can come back to the normal life, without psycological negative effect.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hi Class, 

In this post I will talk about the country that I really want visit. This country is India. 
I don’t know very much about India, but the last year I saw the TV programme about this country and I was facinated. I think that India have a very interesting culture, tracitions, people, food, etc.

Really If I had the chance of travelling, I would like visit India. But I wouldn’t visit India for study, or work, or live. I would visit India for learn about the culture of this country, for travelling in the differents Indian citys, and know diferent people that live in this beautiful country. I think that when you visit any place for work or study, you don’t have a lot free time for know about this country. And, if you travelling for live in any country, you could miss your, family, friends, home :( etc. For this, I think that going on holidays is a better idea.