Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hello Bloggers,
Choose only one picture is so difficult because I find many pics important for me and nice memories. But, I chose a pic so special for me.

I took this photograph in the last day of summer vacations (on this year); I was with my boyfriend in “La Herradura” beach by Coquimbo city.

The image is simple; it shows part of our legs together, sand, ocean, some small boats, the third millennium cross in the background of image, and a beautiful twilight. Although this is not professional photograph, and the contents is simple, this photograph has an important emotional load for me, and I like so much because it is a nostalgic memory of too romantic moment.

I remember that I was so sad because must leave my house, my family, my friends, my boyfriend. But this day, I forgot all sad thoughts, and I pleasure the beautiful twilight. Nevertheless that was not goodbye, is only a momentary separation for the week, while I study in Santiago city.

This image symbolize the emotional moment, many feelings; a few sad, beautiful, a nostalgic, and a lot of love.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

I have many ambitions for the future, but on this occasion I will refer only one.
I would be like a ballerina. I love the scene arts as theatre and dance, but I think that I don’t have a histrionic personality of the actors. For dance is not necessary this personality, for dance you need feel the music and forgive all around you.
When I was child, I dreaming with am the best ballerina of musicals. Now, this not changes. From this moment I don’t leave to dance, actually I practice Arabian dance.
I would be like a ballerina because the dance is so magic, is let move your body, feel the sound of music, and is beautiful express your feelings with your moves and expressions. I really love dance.
My principal inspirations are ballet ballerinas, and “Bafochi”.
Fulfill this ambition mean a dream. I would feel really happy and full. However, I know that is so difficult achieve this ambition in this country, because in Chile the art not yet so appreciate. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I don’t use the internet many times; I visit the internet sometimes in my free time; in the afternoon or night, etc.  Generally one hour of day, no more.

I don’t like the internet, I’m not interested in this too much, I prefer read books, watch the movies, dance or listen to music. But, when I use the internet, I generally visit website.

I discovered this website in the in the school around twelve years ago, this was a first website that I use for to learn about the internet.

I like this website because this is so useful, in this you can find that entire search about books, music, movies, university, news, recipes, etc. about all topics in the internet world!.

When I’m bored I can check this website and find interesting topics for read or funny games for play. When I need someone information or directions about different places like as banks, restaurants, companies, cinemas, etc. I can search in the Google website and find it. When I want know about news or I need make the homework, I can find it in Google, for this I visit this website regularly.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hi, mi name is Fernanda Castillo and i'm 19 years old. I'm a happy person, because i feel so fortunate with my life :) In my family we are five persons; my mom, dad, sister, and brother. Besides to they, i have a lovely dog, she is Clarita.
I was born in Coquimbo City, but actually i live in Santiago of Chile, in this place i study Psychology in the social science faculty, University of Chile. This is my second year in the career.In my free time, i like read, listen to music, and i love dance different types of music. 
In this years in Santiago, i missing so much to my friends, boyfriend and family. Because found a good friends that had been as my new family here :)